Plural CD Bring-your-own-Kubernetes-cluster

Bootstrap Plural CD on an existing cluster


For users that just want to use our CD capabilities and full control of their kubernetes setup, you can install a simplified version of Plural CD onto an existing kubernetes cluster. We've made this a turnkey process, but there are some prerequisites, namely:

  • You'll need to create a postgres db for state storage, and have a jdbc connection string for it ready of the form: postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:5432/<db>
  • You'll need to have your network setup in place so that all clusters you want to deploy to can make outbound network connections to the ingress you configure for plural CD, in general this means setting up:
  • ingress-nginx - the ingress controller we've configured by default in the chart
  • cert-manager - the chart assumes cert-manager handles cert generation by default but this can be disabled as well if you use a load balancer bound cloud cert manager
  • externaldns - to bind dns entries to the hosts defined in the console's ingress

You are free to customize these at your own risk, usually it's not that challenging. The most likely potential gotcha is ensuring the connection stickiness configuration handles a migration to a different ingress controller from ingress-nginx.


If you're unfamiliar with how to set up these components for your cloud, we have a number of useful example terraform setups at

It will walk you through effectively everything needed below


Make sure your kubeconfig is pointing to the management cluster you want to deploy to, then run the following:

plural login
plural cd control-plane

If you haven't already installed the Plural CLI, we have a homebrew installation available here:

brew install pluralsh/plural/plural

If you don't have homebrew, there are more advanced installation instructions here.

This will do a few things:

  • ask you for basic configuration like fqdns for your CD install and also the postgres jdbc url
  • set up a oidc provider for your cluster to provide secure user login
  • print a full helm values file that will be used to install your instance.

You'll then want to run the helm command we provide to you, you have the option to inspect the values we've generated first, and also you can add some last mile configuration here. This can be things like flipping out the ingress class or cert manager issuer (we use nginx by default and an issuer of letsencrypt-prod).

Then run the helm commands generated, which ought to be something along the lines of:

helm repo add plrl-console
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -f values.secret.yaml console plrl-console/console -n plrl-console

We also strongly recommend you find a secure place to store the generated values.secret.yaml file in case you want to manually manage future console updates. You can use tooling like git-crypt or kops to secure this in git, or save it in a secret manager.

Manage Console Via CRD

You can also define a CRD to manage your console's upgrade lifecycle at your own pace. This is a two step process:

  1. Create a secret with your current values file, something like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: console-values
  namespace: plrl-console
  values.yaml: <your values file>

This should be done out of band of git as the values contain sensitive information. A single command to create this is also:

kubectl create secret generic console-values --from-file=values.yaml=values.secret.yaml -n infra

(you'll want to run this in the same directory as your values.secret.yaml file, otherwise specify it's relative path in the --from-file flag)

  1. Create a helm service referencing it in a folder currently being synced via GitOps:
kind: HelmRepository
  name: console
  namespace: infra # or whatever namespace you prefer
  interval: 5m0s
kind: Cluster
  name: mgmt # you'd have likely defined this cluster CRD already, but provided here for completeness
  namespace: infra
  handle: mgmt
kind: ServiceDeployment
  name: console
  namespace: infra
  namespace: plrl-console # this namespace must be correct
  name: console
    version: 0.3.x #  can use floating versions with the .x syntax or pin to specific versions and automate w/ renovate
    chart: console
      namespace: infra
      name: console-values
      namespace: infra
      name: console # referenced helm repository above
    kind: Cluster
    name: mgmt # must be set to your management cluster
    namespace: infra

You can then add additional values configuration using the values field of a helm service, or convert it to a multi-source service and source values files directly from git.

Configure Console Upgrades

You can also configure automatic upgrades in the global settings page for deployments under /cd/settings/auto-upgrade. It will ask you to copy in the values file then if it all looks correct, will create a service against our upstream helm chart with those values as overrides. The ui should look something like this:

You can then go to the service it creates at any time to tweak the values as you might need.

You can also self-manage the chart to control your own upgrade cadence. We recommend you use our self-management though to simplify this process and ensure you are constantly up-to-date.